How To Make Almond Butter


Ingredients :
  • Raw almond / Roasted almond
  • Coconut oil / olive oil
Tools :
  • Food processor
  • Rubber Spatula
  • Jar

  • Roast the number of almonds that you want to use. Start out with a certain amount, and experiment to see if it is enough. Also, take the size of your food processor into consideration. You want them to be dry. If you want the almond butter to be 'raw', don't roast them.
  •  Once roasted, throw them into the food processor. Continue chopping. 
  •  Add coconut oil/ olive oil during the process if it seems to dry.
  •  Periodically, push the butter down the sides as it builds up.
  • Put it into the jar and refrigerate.
  • Store them upside down so you wont have to mix it up again later. 

Source : here

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