How To Make Almond Milk


Saatnya beralih dari susu sapi ke susu kacang

Almond Milk ini lagi ngeHEITSSS banget dan mulai banyak yg jualan. Tapi kalo bikin sendiri aja bisa kenapa nggak dicoba aja??

How to make almond milk

1-2 cups raw (unsalted) almonds
pinch sea salt
1 tsp vanilla (optional)


Nylon mesh bag for straining


Soak almonds for at least six hours in water. Make sure to use enough water to cover the almonds, plus a bit extra.
Drain and rinse almonds, then place in blender.
Fill blender with water (about 4-5 cups for me, the amount will depend on the size of your blender).
Blend almonds until the skins are barely visible (about 2 minutes).
Grab your nylon mesh bag!
Place bag in cup or bowl.
Pour almond and water mixture into the bag.
Lift bag and squeeze out the moisture into the cup or bowl. Repeat step 7 as needed, then add salt and/or vanilla to your almond milk.
That's it! This will produce thick and creamy almond milk. I often strain the almond mixture a second time - I'll put the strained almond meal back into the blender, re-fill it with water, blend for 1 to 2 minutes, then re-strain.

source : here

Jangan khawatir almond bisa dibeli di sini

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