Spirulina Powder


Spirulina is 100% natural and a highly nutritious micro salt water plant.

How should Spirulina be stored?

High temperature, moisture or pollution will reduce the beneficial effects of Spirulina.
  1. Buy and keep no more than 6 months worth.
  2. After open the packaging we strongly recommend you use the product within three months.
  3. After usage , ensure you reseal the packing as soon as possible.
  4. Keep the product away from any possible heat source.
  5. Keep the product away from sun or any exposure to strong light.

Who should take Spirulina?

  1. Children who don’t like or get enough vegetables and or have an imbalanced food intake.
  2. Teenagers during their rapid growing period need a sufficient injection of nutrients. Spirulina is ideal for this.
  3. Pregnant mums who need extra nutrients.
  4. Seniors who have difficulty in having reasonable average 3 meals per day.
  5. Sport lovers or athletics who need extra nutrients to keep their energy levels up.
  6. Modern busy people who don't have the time to eat good meals.
  7. Patients or people who need high volumes of nutrients to assist recovery (please consult your doctor)
  8. Vegetarians who require extra nutrient sources

Who shouldn't take too much Spirulina?

  1. People with hyperparathyroidism
  2. People who have serious allergies to seafood or seaweed.
  3. Patients current experiencing high fever.

How should Spirulina be taken?

  1. Take only with cold or warm water, (not soft drinks, coffee or tea)
  2. After taking Spirulina, avoid alcohol, soft drinks or coffee for 30 minutes as these drinks can destroy some of the Spirulina nutrients and enzymes
  3. Take at least an extra half litre of water a day
  4. It doesn't matter if you take it once a day or twice a day, so long as you take enough for a day.
Recommend dosage for adults is 1 tsp a day, children under 12 should take 1/2 tsp a day.

What are the Spirulina side effects?

Spirulina is a totally natural product and will not normally cause any problems to the body. Even if too much is taken, there will be no harm to the body, but doing this is a waste.
However some people may experience some of the following symptoms after taking Spirulina;
  1. Slight fever due to the body's need to burn the extra protein from Spirulina
  2. Slight dizziness. If this occurs, take less of the product. If the symptom does not improve please stop taking Spirulina
  3. Thirst and constipation. After taking a high volume of Spirulina we recommend at least an extra 1/2 litre of water per day to help our body absorb the Spirulina
  4. Stomach ache
  5. Skin itch or slight body rash 

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