Bulgur Coarse


Why it’s good for you: Bulgur is one of several lesser-known whole grains that pack a wealth of fiber and B vitamins. 
Bulgur is also a standout in terms of its fiber content, just like whole wheat, and can help keep your digestive tract healthy as a result. The insoluble fiber it contains absorbs water, promoting faster elimination of waste, which prevents the formation of an environment that promotes the development of carcinogens.
The low-glycemic-index food, which is good for your insulin levels and blood glucose, is a Middle Eastern favorite made from wheat kernels that have been boiled, dried and cracked; it’s sometimes referred to as cracked wheat. Other less familiar yet tasty whole grains include millet, buckwheat, farro, barley and amaranth.

How to eat it: Bulgur is great in breads, salads and side dishes. It’s the main ingredient in the Middle Eastern salad tabbouleh.

Store bulgur in a screw-top glass jar in the refrigerator; it will keep for months.

Preparation and Serving Tips
Because bulgur is already partially cooked, little time is needed for preparation: Combine a half cup of bulgur with one cup of liquid and simmer for 15 minutes. Let stand for another ten minutes. Fluff with a fork. It triples in volume. For cold salads, soak bulgur before using: Pour boiling water over bulgur, in a three-to-one ratio. Soak for 30 to 40 minutes. Drain away excess water. If you like your bulgur chewier, let it sit longer to absorb more water. Bulgur is used like rice in Mediterranean countries. In fact, you can use bulgur in place of rice in most recipes. Bulgur lends its nutty flavor to whatever it is combined with, allowing you to use it as a main ingredient, thus cutting back on higher-calorie foods.
Another health bonus, bulgur has more fiber than oats, buckwheat, or corn. Plus, its quick cooking time and mild flavor make it ideal for those new to whole grain cooking. Its ability to fill you up with few calories is great for weight-loss dieters.

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